How can I improve my dog's coat? This is certainly not an uncommon question among dog owners. A good diet and a supplement such as Doxelcan make our dog's coat shine much more, prevent it from falling out and make it grow healthier. We tell you more about Neula's story.

Image by: @srta.neula
This is Neula
Neula is a 3 year old adopted dog. She is a beautiful galga and loves to sleep, run and go out with her humans. A few months ago, his human discovered Doxel on Instagram thanks to other doggy accounts recommending it. She had skin and coat problems so they decided to try it.

Doxel Original 4all rich in vitamin E
"Today we can see that she has a healthy skin without itching and a spectacular shine in her coat". This is what her human tells us. Neula eats hypoallergenic, grain-free food and occasionally cooked food. but her hair was still dullHow can I improve my dog's coat? That's the question his human also asked herself. And so Doxel appeared.
Thanks to its antioxidant power, the vitamin E helps reduce the risk of cell damage. It helps them to maintain a healthy heart and strengthens your immune system. It also prevents neurological and heart diseases.
Vitamin E, on the other hand, is great for the joints because of its benefits anti-inflammatories.
What about the Omegas?
Omegas 3 and 6 help prevent diseases of the immune system and help improve the skin and coat of dogs. Omega 9, on the other hand, is a natural anti-inflammatory.
Camelina oil contains a balanced balance of Omegas 3,6,9. Contains a balanced balance of fatty acids. Contains 35% of Omega 3, 20% of Omega 6 and 35% of Omega 9.