It's already June and it's starting to smell like summer, with it comes the afternoons at the pool, the beach, the holidays, but also the heat waves... That's why this week we want to talk about which are the best summer clothes to wear in the summer. Top 12 signs that your dog is suffering from heat stroke.
On those summer days when there is not a breath of air, the sun is scorching and the nights give no respite, we all suffer, but especially our dogs, who, when they are in the middle of the summer, are in the middle of it all. not being able to regulate their body temperature through sweating can suffer sunstroke and heat stroke more easily. It should also be borne in mind that prolonged exposure to the sun carries other risks, such as skin cancer, which particularly affects dogs with light coats.
12 signs your dog is having heat stroke
To find out if your four-legged friend can no longer cope with high temperatures, watch him closely so that you can react and soothe him. Here are 12 signs to look out for:
1 – Pant strongly and irregularly.
2 - Breathe rapidly while standing, with the neck down and elbows apart for the sole purpose of facilitating thoracic movements.
3 - Has difficulties in moving and seems disoriented.
4 - Their behaviour is passive and lethargicwith a fixed gaze.
5 - Shows signs of stress.
6 – Not hungry.
7 - Your heart rate is frenetic.
8 - Your nose is more hot than normal and/or seca.
9 - It is depressed.
10 - Suffering from diarrhoea acute.
11 – Saliva in excess.
12 - Has tremors muscular.

How to cool your dog?
If you have the slightest doubt, don't hesitate to take his temperature: if the thermometer reads more than 38.5°, or even 39°. reacts immediately. To help it recover as quickly as possible, start by giving it a shower with lukewarm water at first to avoid thermal shock, and gradually lower the temperature. Then place him in a cool, well-ventilated place with a fan to help him cool down. Soak a blanket in cold water to cover it completely. Wet his paws and head thoroughly, and offer small amounts of water.
Whether you are at home or away, refresh your dog several times a day by gently wetting its paws with a damp glove. Run it over his belly, not forgetting the folds of his thighs, which are particularly sensitive to heat. Alternatively, feel free to spray him with water, insisting on his nose and paw pads. He probably won't like it, but it will do him a lot of good.
If you have the slightest doubt, don't hesitate to take his temperature: if the thermometer shows more than 38.5°, or even 39°, he reacts immediately'.
It is essential to protect your furry friend from the heat. To do this, it is enough to adopt a few basic reflexes, but also to avoid at all costs certain practices in the middle of summer to which your furry friend would like to be exposed. we will dedicate another article very soon. During a heatwave, it is essential to pay attention to two things: keeping your dog comfortable, so that he doesn't get too hot, and keep him hydrated by making sure he drinks water regularly.